BACHELOR in Business Administration


What is a BACHELOR in Business Administration? 

Many students who are interested in pursuing their undergraduate degrees in a rewarding career full of opportunities ask, “What is a Bachelor in Business Administration?” This is a three-year degree program designed to provide students with thorough knowledge bases in the principles and practices of business management.

In fact, the Bachelor of Business Administration degree at EBS challengesyou to go beyond businessto understand the world, the future, and yourself.

Learn by doing

Put theoryinto practice in real-world business scenarios. In effect, our programs combine training and practicalexperience ; soyou’llbehaving multiple hands-on class projects, presentations, internships and industrialvisits. All thesewilldevelopstudents’ practical, managerial& communication skills and mostimportantlytheirdecision-makingcapability

Career prospects 

A Bachelor in Business Administration could open up more job opportunities and careerpathsthanyouthink.

In fact, graduates holding Bachelor in Business Administration degrees are perfectly formed to embark on many career paths. Our programs are designed to prepare them to go on to postgraduate study either here at EBS or elsewhere, to start their own businesses or

for employment positions in the public and private sectors.

We all know that business administrators are the key to all companies and organizations, and you will find a business administrator at the heart of any successful enterprise.
